+7 (812) 703-80-17 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (GMT+3)



Rated voltage
12 V (6 elements in the block)
Rated power
560 Vт/Эл at 15-мин. разр. to Uкон. -1.6 W/El at 25 ˚С
Nominal capacity (С20)
150.0 Ah at 20-hour discharge to Uкон. - 1.75 W/El at 25 ˚С
45 kg ± 3%
Maximum discharge current (5 sec)
1400 A
Internal resistance
2.5 mOhm
Operating temperature range
Discharge: from -40 °C to +60 °C, Charge: from -20 °C to +60 °C, Storage: from -40 °C to +60 °C
Optimal operating temperature
25 °C
Charge voltage
13.5 - 13.8 V at 25 °C (темп. комп. -3 мВ/˚С/Эл.)
Maximum charge current
45 A at 25 °C
Charge voltage in cyclic mode
14.1 - 14.4 V at 25 °C (темп. комп. -5 мВ/˚С/Эл.)
Short circuit current
3850 А (согласно IEC 60896-21-22)
Shelf life
Батареи WBR серии HRL can be stored to 6 months at 25 ˚С*
Полюсные выводы
Под внутренний болт М8 (torque 12-20 Нм)
Housing material
Shockproof негорючий ABS (acrylic butadiene styrene)
Life time
12 years in buffer mode at 25 ˚С

*The battery must be charged before use. At higher ambient temperatures, storage time is reduced
*The content may be changed for improvement without prior notice, it is not a public offer.


Height (full)

Direct current discharge: А (25°С)

Uk / Tdischarge2 min4 min5 min6 min8 min10 min15 min20 min30 min40 min45 min1 h1.5 h2 h3 h4 h5 h8 h10 h20 h
1.85 V45038838037232028523620014212511777.562.245.529.825.322.714.913.27.28
1.80 V53046344542735833226121915713112279.464.048.433.027.524.615.014.07.40
1.75 V59852750646739237228123416613312781.065.450.033.329.025.215.914.27.50
1.70 V66156452750642238030124217113512881.265.850.833.629.725.516.014.37.51
1.67 V71359856052744738530924717413712881.466.051.233.830.025.716.114.47.52
1.65 V76563058054246738831425217713812981.666.251.634.030.225.816.114.47.53
1.60 V80966059855048239031725518013912981.766.451.834.230.425.916.214.57.53

Constant power discharge: W/El (25°С)

Uk / Tdischarge2 min4 min5 min6 min8 min10 min15 min20 min30 min40 min45 min1 h1.5 h2 h3 h4 h5 h8 h10 h20 h
1.85 V80880069867263757047542630024523415110184.366.249.342.826.324.012.7
1.80 V92688780374269563051544031224923916310987.868.150.944.227.525.213.0
1.75 V103595789379773867253045031725224117111490.369.351.745.128.425.513.5
1.70 V1144101296383777370554345732225424317311991.670.152.145.428.925.713.7
1.67 V12341052102387780173855346232525624517512492.570.552.445.729.425.813.8
1.65 V13241082106389281975155846532825724617612793.370.752.645.929.725.913.9
1.60 V14001112110090783476156246833025824717713093.870.952.846.130.025.914.0

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