+7 (812) 703-80-17 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (GMT+3)

Leoch LPG12-200

Leoch LPG12-200


Rated voltage
12 B
Nominal capacity (20 ч)
200.0 Ah
Capacity на режимах
200.0 Ah at 20-час discharge to Uкон. =1.80 W/El at 25 ˚С, 190.0 Ah at 10-час discharge to Uкон. =1.80 W/El at 25 ˚С, 165.5 Ah at 5-час discharge to Uкон. =1.75 W/El at 25 ˚С, 148.2 Ah at 3-час discharge to Uкон. =1.75 W/El at 25 ˚С, 120.3 Ah at 1-час discharge to Uкон. =1.60 W/El at 25 ˚С
Length: 522 ± 2 мм, Width: 240 ± 2 мм, height: 218 ± 2 мм, height (макс.): 224 ± 2 мм
62.3 kg
Output type
for bolt М8 (torque bolts 11.0 - 14.7 Нм)
Housing material
Shockproof ABS (acrylic butadiene styrene)
Maximum discharge current
2000 A (5 cек)
Maximum charge current
50.0 А
Internal resistance
4.6 mOhm
Operating temperature
Discharge -20 °C ~ 55 °C, Charge -20 °C ~ 40 °C, Storage -15 °C ~ 50 °C, Optimal operating temperature: 25 °С ± 3 °С
Addiction Сном. (%) from t (˚С)
40 °C - 103%, 25 °C - 100%, 0 °C - 86%
Charge voltage (при 25 ˚С)
Буферный режим 2.23 - 2.27 V (темп. коэф. -3 мВ/˚С), Vыравнивающий заряд 2.30 - 2.37 V (темп. коэф. -4 мВ/˚С), Cyclic mode 2.40 - 2.50 V (темп. коэф. -5 мВ/˚С)
Батареи Leoch серии LPG can be stored to 6 months at 25 ˚С. При более длительном хранении батареи необходимо зарядить*
Life time (при 25 ˚С)
12 years in buffer mode или to 400 cycles заряда-разряда в циклическом режиме at 100% discharge

*The battery must be charged before use. At higher ambient temperatures, storage time is reduced
*The content may be changed for improvement without prior notice, it is not a public offer.


Height (full)

Direct current discharge: А (25°С)

Uk. / Tdischarge10 min15 min20 min30 min45 min1 h1.5 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h8 h10 h20 h
1.85 V/Эл250.0216.8170.5154.2112.889.369.255.243.835.631.
1.80 V/Эл283.8245.7192.7167.9119.598.873.560.848.138.732.628.722.919.010.0
1.75 V/Эл292.7255.6201.0166.7121.4108.778.863.949.439.333.
1.70 V/Эл307.8266.0208.1171.3123.8110.880.465.250.139.933.629.623.319.610.4
1.67 V/Эл338.6290.7226.7177.3128.1116.584.067.851.640.634.630.123.719.810.6
1.60 V/Эл350.2299.7232.5179.9130.0120.386.369.352.341.335.330.623.920.010.8

Constant power discharge: W/El (25°С)

Uk. / Tdischarge10 min15 min20 min30 min45 min1.5 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h8 h10 h20 h
1.85 V/Эл470.4410.5324.3294.7216.8173.6134.8107.986.
1.80 V/Эл526.2459.2362.7318.3228.2190.7142.4118.294.075.864.156.445.237.519.9
1.75 V/Эл540.3475.3376.6315.5231.8208.9152.3124.196.176.764.957.445.538.320.5
1.70 V/Эл561.6490.0387.1322.3235.1212.3154.9126.297.377.865.858.145.838.620.6
1.67 V/Эл600.0523.6413.6328.4240.3220.7160.2130.099.678.867.358.746.538.921.0
1.60 V/Эл608.4530.9419.4329.8241.5225.7163.1131.8100.379.768.559.446.739.221.3

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