+7 (812) 703-80-17 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (GMT+3)

WBR MBG 50-12


Number of elements in the block:
Rated voltage:
12 V
Nominal capacity (C10):
50 Aч
Capacity на режимах (при 25 ̊С):
50.0 Aч at 10-ч. discharge to Uкон. 10.8 V, 39.6 Aч at 3-ч. discharge to Uкон. 10.8 V, 32.1 Aч at 1-ч. discharge to Uкон. 10.5 V
15 kg ± 3%
Maximum discharge current:
540 A (5 sec)
Internal resistance:
12 mOhm
Operating temperature range:
Discharge: from -40 °С to +60 °С, Charge: from -20 °С to +60 °С, Storage: from -40 °С to +60 °С
Rated operating temperature:
25 ± 3 ˚С
Charge voltage (при 25 ̊С):
13.5 - 13.8 V (темп. коэфф. -3 мВ/˚С/эл.)
Maximum charge current:
11.3 А (рекомендуемый 4.5 А)
Charge voltage in cyclic mode (при 25 ̊С):
14.4 - 15.0 V (темп. коэфф. -5 мВ/˚С/эл.)
Под внутренний болт М6
Housing material:
Shockproof ABS (acrylic butadiene styrene)
Shelf life:
to 6 months at 25 °С, without recharge
Life time (при 25 ̊С):
to 10 years

*The battery must be charged before use. At higher ambient temperatures, storage time is reduced
*The content may be changed for improvement without prior notice, it is not a public offer.


Height (full)

Direct current discharge: А (25°С)

Uк. / T discharge15 min30 min60 min2 h3 h5 h8 h10 h20 h
1.85 V70.146.729.
1.80 V78.651.131.318.113.28.695.865.002.67
1.75 V84.353.532.118.413.38.935.915.022.68
1.70 V87.153.932.618.713.49.035.955.072.69
1.65 V89.054.932.818.813.
1.60 V91.855.833.018.913.

Constant power discharge: W/BLOCK (25°С)

Uк. / T discharge15 min30 min60 min2 h3 h5 h8 h10 h20 h
1.85 V13289.256.133.724.
1.80 V14897.260.535.225.417.011.49.555.29
1.75 V15610060.935.325.517.111.59.655.31
1.70 V15710061.435.525.617.211.69.755.34
1.65 V15910061.935.725.817.411.79.855.36
1.60 V16210162.435.826.117.511.810.05.39

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