+7 (812) 703-80-17 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (GMT+3)



Rated voltage
12 V (6 elements in the block)
Rated power
730 Vт/Эл at 15-мин. разр. to Uкон. -1.6 W/El at 25 ˚С
Nominal capacity (С20)
200.0 Ah at 20-hour discharge to Uкон. - 1.75 W/El at 25 ˚С
58 kg ± 3%
Maximum discharge current (5 sec)
1600 A
Internal resistance
3.0 mOhm
Operating temperature range
Discharge: from -40 °C to +60 °C, Charge: from -20 °C to +60 °C, Storage: from -40 °C to +60 °C
Optimal operating temperature
25 °C
Charge voltage
13.50 - 13.65 V at 25 °C (темп. комп. -3 мВ/˚С/Эл.)
Maximum charge current
60 A
Charge voltage in cyclic mode
14.10 - 14.40 V at 25 °C (темп. комп. -5 мВ/˚С/Эл.)
Short circuit current
3350 А (согласно IEC 60896-21-22)
Shelf life
Батареи WBR серии HRL can be stored to 6 months at 25 ˚С*
Полюсные выводы
Под внутренний болт М8 (torque 12-20 Нм)
Housing material
Shockproof негорючий ABS (acrylic butadiene styrene)
Life time
12 years in buffer mode at 25 ˚С

*The battery must be charged before use. At higher ambient temperatures, storage time is reduced
*The content may be changed for improvement without prior notice, it is not a public offer.


Height (full)

Direct current discharge: А (25°С)

Uk / Tdischarge3 min5 min10 min15 min20 min25 min30 min45 min1 h
1.80 V885656435335305269241177139
1.75 V900670455343315278249185144
1.70 V915689466352322283256194152
1.67 V930703484357328291260199156
1.65 V941713491362331295265207162
1.60 V944715493363331295266208163

Constant power discharge: W/El (25°С)

Uk / Tdischarge3 min5 min10 min15 min20 min25 min30 min45 min1 h
1.80 V1228957790644545480413303237
1.75 V1265977805679560492432316248
1.70 V1306996819702586515449331259
1.67 V13361108848711605532467341268
1.65 V13431117854718610537474346272
1.60 V13571135865731621546486356278

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